FORUM FOR DISCUSSION: Small Idea Big development

You need not be a politician or the boss to make a tangible contribution towards the development of the African continent. Small practical ideas really matter a lot than big theories. In this forum, professionals and experts on African issues both African and Africanist, men and women of the street, in fact people of all walks of life share their ideas in the fields listed below on how to better equip Africa to meet its 21st century challenges. Let your voice be heard on:

  1. Health Matters
  2. Education
  3. Agriculture
  4. History and development
  5. Economy & Industrialisation
  6. Politics and Democratisation
  7. Human Rights
  8. Environmental Issues
  9. Sports,Music and Fashion
  10. Words of Wisdom
  11. African Book Review and Tourism
  12. African folktales, African Children stories and jokes
Question* Almost 33 years after independence African countries are still unable to provide good health care, good education and food for its people despite their rich natural resources. What are the problems with Africa and how can these problems be solved as the world faces globalisation? Send contribution to the Editors of the various topics numbered 1-8 above making sure you refer to the specific editor